Herlich Hauling & Transport LLC

Attic Cleanout Services

Why regular attic cleanouts are a must

Here in America, we love our attics. Whether they serve a very functional purpose in today’s time or not, attics hold many childhood memories for us. It’s the place we used to spend our summers in, where we sneaked away from the strict eyes of our parents and created our world!

While the sentiment attached to attics is lovely, attics are parts of the house that are often the most neglected. This neglect eventually leads to more complicated housing problems such as mice, termites and moss.

Before you know it, your attic is full of crap you know you will never use. And when you try to clean it up, you don’t know where to start. But fret not because Herlich Hauling & Transport LLC is here to care for all your attic cleaning needs.

At Herlich Hauling & Transport LLC, we understand the feelings around attics and the need to dispose of unnecessary junk.

Attic Cleanout
Attic Cleanout

Out of sight, out of mind

The biggest drawback attic owners face just forgetting about it! We go about completing our daily cleanup chores around the house and don’t give much thought to what is happening in the up, up, and away in the attic. It is the precise reason attic cleanups turn into larger jobs than they are supposed to be.

Tight space, what tight space?

Attics can be notoriously tight. One of the biggest challenges you face while cleaning out attics is lugging large items in and out through the usually small entrance and exit. Luckily no space is too huge or too tiny for our experienced team at Herlich Hauling & Transport LLC. We know our way around attics with years of experience under our (tool) belt.

While the challenges with attic cleanups are too many, our team is ready to take these head-ons and provide you with the best service possible.

Why regular attic cleanups are so important

Here are some of the significant reasons why taking care of your attic is as crucial as taking care of the rest of the house:

1) Avoid long-term structural damage

If neglected for too long, attics become home to the dreaded mould and mildew. And these are two words that scare every homeowner out there. You need to be extra cautious about mould and mildew if you live in an area with high moisture content in the air. If left unchecked, mould and mildew can eat away at your attic and, eventually, the structure of your home. Luckily, our team is well-prepared to clean up your attic in a way that will ensure your beloved attic remains protected.

2) Create more storage space

When you have your attic cleaned up regularly by our exceptional team at Herlich Hauling & Transport LLC and regularly remove unnecessary items, you will realize just how much more space you have. True to our name, we help you extract all your junk and optimize storage options.

3) Keep dust allergies in check

Did you know that as many as 19 million people in America cannot tolerate dust? Dust buildup in the attic can trigger allergy symptoms in many people, especially those suffering from allergic rhinitis. It is also something that regular cleanups can control in the attic, where much dust accumulates.

Now that you know about the various reasons why attic cleanouts are so important contact us to set up an appointment and let us do all the hard work.

Let Us Handle Your Junk

Give us a call today and we'll be on our way to pick up your junk. Just point at it and it's gone.

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